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Spouse/Partner Name
Address *
City *
Phone number *
Email Address *
Occupation *
Spouse/Partner Occupation
Best time to Call
Years at current address *
If there are other adults in the home besides you and your spouse/partner, please list their names and their relationship to you.
How many children are living in your home?
What type and brand of food is your current dog(s) eating? Or, if you do not currently have a dog, what type and brand of food do you plan to feed your new dog?
children a If
Please tell us about your history of ownership with dogs. For each dog, list the breed/breed mix, how long you had the dog, and the cause of death or rehoming of each dog.
Where will the Cavalier spend the day?
Where will the Cavalier spend the night?
In general, what is your family's typical schedule?
On average, how many hours a day will the Cavalier be home alone without an adult over the age of 21 present?
If you are traveling, for example, going on vacation, what arrangements do you plan to make for the care of your dog?
What are your reasons for wanting a Cavalier and for applying to rescue a Cavalier? *
Are you applying to adopt a specific Cavalier? If yes, please list the dog's name and city/state below. Also, very important, please contact the person listed on the dog's page so they know of your interest.
What else would you like us to know about you and your family that would help us to make a good match, and assist us in determining if you'd be a great home for a rescued Cavalier?